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The greatest killer "Genghis Khan": Full History

Genghis Khan's country is Mongolia. Today's Mongolia is an egg-shaped country on the world map. Its location is in Central Asia. Between China and Russia. Alaska is twice the size. Much of Mongolia is a grass-covered arid plateau. Simply put, relatively flat land on a mountain. Its western and south-western hills. The inaccessible Gobi Desert is located in the southern border region of China. Roughly less than 1 percent of the country's land is suitable for cultivation. If you go to Mongolia today, you will see that most of its areas are uninhabited. Somewhere, you can suddenly see the nomadic herdsmen living a very miserable life by grazing their animals. Dust storms, droughts, severe winters are the cause of their daily misery. In fact, the way they live today is no different from what their ancestors did hundreds of years ago. There was a time after that when this isolated and lonely Mongolia was the largest land empire in history. And Genghis Khan, a unique military figure in history, was the builder of the empire.
History: Genghis Khan was born
Genghis Khan was born in 1162 (?). Ma Hoelun. Father Yesugi. Yesugi was a tribal chief of the Mongols. After his birth, he was named Temujin. According to some, Temusin. The word Temujin in the local language means ‘Iron Worker’ or ‘Blacksmith’. What we call blacksmiths. Temujin, or Genghis Khan, was born at a time when the whole of Mongolia was inhabited by only a few tribes of nomadic herdsmen. At that time the name of the most powerful tribe was Borjigin. The chief of this tribe was the brave warrior Kabul Khan. ‘Khan’ is his title, meaning ‘leader’.

Yesugi, son of Kabul Khan. Yesugi is the head of Kiyat, a sub-tribe of Borjigin. It is said that Temujin was born in the house of Yesugi sometime between 1172 and 118. Temujin was a 13-year-old boy in 1175. Yesugi announces that Temujin must find a bride and marry her. The father and son went out in search of a bride. After traveling for a few days, they found a hospitable tribe of the Mongols. Within a few days, Temujin found Varti, the daughter of the chief of this tribe. Become his fiance. On his way back, Yesugi was poisoned and brutally killed by a group of Tatar tribesmen. In the pre-Mongolian arid meadows, the Tatars are the Mongols' strongest opponents. Temujin vowed to take revenge. That is why he left his fiance Varti and went to his own tribe. The leader of the tribe declared himself.

The tribal elders refused to accept the boy as their leader. That is why he was kept isolated in the lonely grassland along with his family members. The next few years were spent in extreme poverty, eating forest fruits. Eating the meat of prey animals. One day, Temujin killed his half-brother Bekhtar in a quarrel after destroying his prey. Life became so difficult that he even killed his own brother for stealing food. In an attack in 1172, Temujin was captured by his father's former ally, Taichuet. He was able to escape with the help of a guard. Biluan, the son of this guard, later became a general in Genghis Khan's army. Word of Temujin's heroism spread after he escaped from Taichuet. Everyone knows that Genghis Khan is a great man. A few days later, a group of assailants left a little food and a horse and looted everything else. Genghis Khan could not chase them. During this chase, he met a rich child of Bogorchi Sam. They embrace each other in a sense of brotherhood. Bogorchi rescues him from the stolen horses. But could not catch the attackers. Four years later, Genghis Khan married Varti.

Temujin married
Temujin was 18 when he married Varti, the daughter of the chief of the Funkirat community. In the next house, Temujin had four sons: Jochi (1175-1128), Chagatai (? -1249), Ogodi (? -1241) and Talui (1190-132). He had more children in the house of Temujin's other wives. At one point Varti was abducted by another tribe called the Murfits. Genghis Khan was later able to rescue him. Whatever it was, Genghis Khan's personal life was no less diverse. At one time he united and consolidated the Mongols through various processes. The beginning of his victory period.

Temujin is Genghis
His winning streak began when he was only 16 years old. Then the word of Temujin and Taghrul spread far and wide. At their call all the Mongols were united. Thousands of Mongols gathered with weapons, food and family. Thus thousands of people came under his command. His army is well organized. They are divided into 10 people, 100 people, 1000 people, 10 thousand people. In 1173, Temujin was a twenty-one-year-old togbag. At a gathering of the Tongals, he was declared their 'Great Khan' and named Genghis Khan. Temujin became Genghis Khan. His name Temujin was lost behind Genghis Khan's name. The name Genghis or Ganges means ‘expensive warrior’ according to some, ‘consciousness of light’ according to others. Each soldier carried his own supplies. They had powdered milk and other dried food. If there was a lack of food, they would cut the veins of horses and drink blood. Even after Genghis Khan declared the Mongols the 'Great Khan', some divisions remained. 

Genghis Khan had to undertake several campaigns to unite them. The Kerat community was led by Jamugar, a childhood friend of Genghis. Genghis offers his surrender. If Jamuga does not agree to this proposal, a few battles take place. After a few battles in two or three years, in the last battle of 1203, the Keret forces were completely destroyed. At the request of Jamugar, he died without suffocating, wrapped in a blanket, and suffocated. The last group of rebellious Mongols was defeated in 1204. In 1206, Genghis Khan was called the "Khan of Khans" or "King of Kings". At this time all the Mongols came under his control. This time Chengi Kan focused on expanding the empire. In 1207 he declared the conquest of China. At that time China was divided into three separate empires. To the north were the Qin and Tengut kingdoms. To the south was the Sung Empire. Genghis himself led the campaign against the Tengut kingdom. 

It is currently the province of Xinjiang in northeastern China. Genghis Khan's dream was to annex the whole of China. However, his dream did not come true before the time of his grandson, i.e. before 1269. In any case, after establishing control over northern China, his expedition moved westward. In 1217, Shah Mohammad II of Khawarjam (present-day Uzbekistan) killed a Mongol expedition. Genghis Khan became angry and sent a message to Shah Mohammad that if they did not submit to the Mongols, the war would be declared against Khawarism. If Khwarizm did not accept the offer, the war would break out. Genghis Khan launched an attack from the north with 90,000 troops. He sent a general with 30,000 troops to attack from the east. In contrast, Mohammad Shah's army had four lakh soldiers. Even after that Genghis Khan won the war. The whole Khawarjam empire came under his control.

Death History of Genghis Khan
.Then an army of 20,000 troops was sent to Russia. Besides, Genghis Khan himself led a division with 60,000 troops. This part progressed to attack India through Afghanistan. The other part moves towards the Caucasus region towards Russia. When Genghis Khan was returning to Mongolia with his troops in Persia and Armenia,

Then the second force of 20,000 troops, led by General Zube and Sabutai, penetrated deep into Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Mongols destroyed Georgia. Destroyed the Geneva trade-fortress of Crimea. On the way back, the team faced many more battles. Genghis Khan then ordered Sabutai's forces to return. Jube died on the way back from Samarkand. Then the glory of the cavalry of Jube and Sabutai became famous.

On their way back, they fought valiantly in various battles. The Europeans were surprised at this victory of the Mongols. In 1225 both parties returned to Mongolia. After conquering various territories and countries, Genghis Khan's expedition ended in the hands of his successor around 1240. People think that Genghis Khan conquered the whole area of ​​the Mughal Empire. In fact, he was not able to do so. Before his death in 1226, the Mongol Empire stretched from the Caspian Sea to the Sea of ​​Japan. His empire continued to expand from generation to generation after his death. The greatest expansion of the Mongol Empire took place during the reign of his successor Ogeji Khan. The Mongol forces occupied Persia. Ji Xiao took over the kingdom. Their conflict with the Song Dynasty of China. Genghis Khan left an army of one lakh 29 thousand soldiers before his death. 26,000 soldiers were given to his brothers and sons.

 His youngest son Talui got a huge army of one lakh soldier. According to Mongol custom, the youngest son gets the property left by the father. Joachi, Ogedi Khan, and Kulan's son Gilijian each received 4,000 troops. Each of his mother and brothers gets three thousand soldiers.
The question is, how did Genghis Khan die? He was a skilled horseman. There were various techniques known to run horses. He was called 'Master Horse Rider'. But he fell from his horse while hunting and was seriously injured and died shortly after being injured. There are rumors that he died of malaria. He was 60 then. On the other hand, some say that he died on 16 August 1227 during the invasion of the Western Zia Empire. During the attack,

 he fell from his horse and died of his injuries. Therefore, the cause of his death was not known. A big reason for this was the strict secrecy surrounding his death. But shortly before he died, he said to his sons: ‘With heavenly help, I have left for you a great kingdom. But I could not conquer the whole world. Because my life is very short. '
Where is the grave of Genghis Khan?
Genghis Khan said that no one should be told where he would be buried. After his death, his body was brought back to Mongolia. He is believed to have been brought back to Khenti Imag, northeast of his birthplace Ulan Batur. This place is near the banks of the Onan river. It is also said that when he was being taken for burial, his soldiers killed anyone who was found on the way so that no one would know where he was buried. The workers who dug his grave were also killed at the end of the excavation. Even after that, the soldiers who killed them were also killed. ‘Genghis Khan Samadhi’ is his memorial, not his grave. He was not buried there. According to popular legend, a river came to his grave and split in two, making it difficult to recognize the grave. It is said that the same thing happened with the tomb of Gilgamesh, the Sumerian king of Uruk. It is also heard that horses were mounted on his grave and mixed with the ground and then trees were planted in the grave area. Other than that, the area where he was buried was an evergreen area. 

This made it much easier to hide his body. The Erdent Tobchi (162) claims that when Genghis Khan's coffin arrived in Mongolia, it may have been empty. Similarly, Altan Tobchi (1804) thinks that only his shirt, tent and boots were buried in Ordos-G (Ratchnevsky, p. 143f). Tumbull (2003, p. 24), on the other hand, tells another myth about Genghis Khan. He said his grave was discovered 30 years after Genghis Khan's death. According to his legend, a baby camel was also buried with Genghis Khan. And later this baby camel mother was seen crying next to the grave. Marco Polo writes that even in the late thirteenth century, the Mongols did not know the location of Genghis Khan's tomb. 

The Secret History of the Mongols mentions the year of Genghis Khan's death, but there is no information about the location of his tomb. In his book Travels of Marco Polo, he mentions, ‘It was a common custom that all the chiefs of Grand Khan and Genghis Khan were carried to a certain high mountain to be buried, and this mountain was named Altai. Wherever they die, they can die at a distance of 100 days. Even after that, they were taken to that place. 'Marco Polo also wrote that Genghis Khan died while imprisoned in a fort. The name of this fort was Taijin. An arrow hit his knee, and he died. And he was buried in the Altai Mountains. According to some sources, he was buried in Burkhan Khaldun hill.

 The geographical location of this mountain is approximately 46 degrees 30 minutes north 108 degrees 42 minutes east latitude / 48 degrees north 108 degrees 6 minutes east latitude. The place near the Burkhan Khaldun hill area was called Ikh Khorig or Great Tabo. This 240 sq km area was banned by the Mongols. Those who disobeyed the ban were sentenced to death. In just 20 years, the area has been opened to Western archaeologists. On October 6, 2004, it was claimed that the Genghis Khan Palace had been discovered. This may also make it possible to identify the location of his grave. Amateur archaeologist Maury Kravitz has been working for the past 40 years to find the site of Genghis Khan's tomb. In a fifteenth-century French narrative, he sees an ancient war. 

At that time Genghis Khan was known as Temujin. In that battle, Genghis Khan won the final victory. According to this source, he survived the confluence of the Kherlin and Bruchi rivers, on the right side of which is Burkhan Khaldun as his eternal favorite place. Kravitz assumed the truth was that Temujin's grave would be near this battlefield. He tried to find the Bruchi River, which was beyond the knowledge of cartographers. He was able to do that. He discovered its local name. ‘Barun Bruch’, which means ‘West Bruch’. He started excavation in 2008. The excavation is about 100 km east of Burkhan Khaldun.


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